Sunday, January 13, 2013

I love my cat and other information.

Now, I think most of you who know me might find this to be a surprise (ha! NOT.) But, she's just added so much to my life and really presented me with some teaching opportunities about patience and responsibility.

I absolutely love when I can hear her playing in the other room with Connor and he's just laughing. Or, she'll just hang out in the tub with her ping pong ball and kick it around until she accidentally kicks it out. Then she finds one of us, meows and asks for a little help. Yea, I guess I am a bit of a crazy cat lady, but she's awesome.

Sometimes though, whew. This morning, I was doing some yoga and she really wanted to play instead, so she was laying all over my mat, trying to knead it (she's not declawed). Once we got that all sorted out, I started my yoga without a hair tie because she was playing with the only one I could find (she's stashed most of mine somewhere around the house, she loves to play with them). It was light yoga, so I wasn't worried about it until I was doing a stretch where my head was over my knees and my hair was hanging down. She brushed into my hair, I thought for attention, and then started to claw and bite at it. It's a weird thing she has. I should have seen this as a warning. Later, during "relaxation pose" I was just laying on the ground breathing in and out and she find the perfect opportunity to lose her mind in my hair. Nothing relaxing about that.

Still, she's running around the place looking for attention and doing all of the things she knows she shouldn't do because she wants to play so bad. Gotta love her.

In other news, school starts up again this week. Let's play a broken record. I'm really trying to commit my time wisely. Last semester I did really well, but at the expense of some of my social and physical well-being. Balance seeking, always doing it. But, I had a good chunk of time off to evaluate things and try to prioritize them. So, here's to hoping I've figure some things out.