Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lessons Can Come in the Littlest Packages.

Although I was pretty sure that I wasn't going to enjoy myself this week, I was wrong. From my last post, you can gather that I am learning a lot about the programs and the people involved.

Surprisingly, I found myself looking up at the clock and being surprised that it was already 4 o'clock. As anticipated, I try to get the tasks I'm assigned all done on the the day they've been assigned to me, but that's just not going to be possible. I have to work at being able to understand that. My boss is overwhelmed, and I can see where she's coming from more. It's interesting to learn what her strengths are. Facebook, for example, is not one of them. I anticipate trying to get our facebook to go live, to be a very hard thing to do. Yay for that.

I've made friends in the office though, and that's awesome. I'm actually very surprised by how much I feel comfortable in this office as compared to the last one that I was in. I wonder why that is, and I have a feeling it's because it is predominantly mother-like women and I feel comfortable there. Silly, but true I think. The woman who has a cube adjoining mine and I have started to hang up signs so that the other has a nice message when they get in the office. That's pretty awesome.

I volunteer at the youth center too, and that's interesting. I'm really just in the 'get the kids to trust me' phase and have them know that I won't be there for a short period of time. Volunteering at a place like that is an actual committment but I really enjoy it. It sort of let's me forget my work day (if there were any frustrations) and focus on making sure these kids have a good time. I hope that some day they'll feel comfortable enough to let me know a little bit more about what is going on with them, and I feel like if I asked they would tell me. But, I feel like that's only because kids don't know any better, I'd rather work on a relationship with them than take for granted how well-intentioned they are.

I played basketball with the kids, and they were cool. I'm BAD! They asked me to play and I told 'em I would, but that I was bad (and I really was, the other two staff there had played). But, at the end of it, one of the kids was like "See, you're not bad!" It was so cute, and he's my favorite so far. I was watching him play pool the first day I was there and he was super friendly. What was most interesting to me though was that he was making sure his peers were using their manners. A lot of the time I'm there I make sure the kids say excuse me and thank you and all that cause they tend to just barrel through otherwise. But, this guy, we'll call him Ronnie, wouldn't move until asked nicely. Most of the kids were just aware of each other and would move out of the way or else be run in to. He demands respect and I really like it. Kids are so smart that way.

I'm excited for next week, and think this will be great. The only part I don't enjoy is getting up so early, but you can't win all the time, right?


  1. We are in the same boat. It's week #2 for me at my new job, I really like it so far, but I'm learning a lot. Especially just the getting to know people part. That's important in an office setting, isn't it? Especially because you tend to work at your own cubicle and you don't interact with people the same way you would working in a kitchen or an ice cream shop. I'm slowly realizing that.

    I've found it's hard to get organizations to see the value of social media, too. I've had the problem of trying to get my employers to start up a facebook page before...and it just keeps getting put off. At Tandem, they didn't really trust us to do anything on your own, so we had to get approval on every little tiny thing on the page. Of course, it took forever to get anywhere! Thankfully at my new job, my Manager is AWESOME and she just let's us do our thing. "Facebook page? Great idea! Go ahead and do it." It's just that easy with her. I love it.

    Volunteering is so rewarding, too. I've been doing that a bit myself. Glad to see you are enjoying it! Good for you. I'm happy you are finding little pieces of happiness in your new life and surroundings. :)

  2. Volunteering sounds fun! I'm glad you're finding other things besides work to fill your time. And thank the lady in the cubicle next to you for me for accepting and being nice to my bestie :) miss you
