I've just been working on this for a bit. It's not perfect by any means, but I've really been meaning to get it down in writing. Reading 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and trying to truly find the purpose in my life.
My Mission Statement
Reason for mission statement:
Because life is precious, and we generally receive one
chance to get it right, I want to make sure I focus on getting the most out of
it that I can. I want to focus on the things that will impact the big picture
rather than getting lost in the minutia. So, I’ve decided to gather my thoughts
about who I want to be.
Home Life:
I will focus on leading a fruitful life where love,
adventure, respect, and health are the main components. My family will come
before all else, they understand unconditional love and will always be my shelter
through the storm. I will focus on maintaining my mental health by making sure
I stay active and challenged physically. I will not regret any of my choices,
rather use them as learning for the future.
Professional Life:
In the professional realm I will be viewed as reliable,
effective, and innovative. I will respect those whose opinion differs from
mine, and learn from those differences. I will move forward with unconditional
positive regard for those who work with me, for me, and come to me for
assistance. Life is a journey and each of us on our own path. The roadmap to my
life will not be used to rate others. I seek to foster opportunities to learn,
opportunities to teach, and opportunities to improve the environment around me.
Awesome goals, Liz. A mommy's dream.