Friday, June 15, 2012

Wisdom Tooth Catastrophe Weight Loss Plan & More.

Well, isn't that title dramatic enough for you? I promise I'm not a dramatic person, ok so maybe I am...a little. But that's as close to an admission you'll ever get from me. I like to live in denial.

I know that what you're really here for is the " & More " section, right? You're probably all wondering, "What could that mean? What could possibly follow the Wisdom Tooth Catastrophe Weight Loss Plan? Certainly, nothing."

Oh, but something does, and you, my friends, are needed to help me to be successful (have I lured your into reading further? I hope so.)

Anyway, small update on what I will not refer to as the WECWLP, Wisdom Tooth Catastrophe Weight Loss Plan. The moral of the story is: Doctors suck. Or, is it that I have no patience? You decide. Anyway, two and a half weeks ago and eight pounds previous, I had five wisdom teeth. Fast forward two and half weeks, and I am now down five, yes five, wisdom teeth and eight pounds. Oh, and I'm up one hole in my sinus cavity, and one infection tasting like death. Looking at the balance there, I'm not sure it equals out.

Currently, I'm somewhere between 'has it really been two and a half weeks with no running' and 'can someone put me into a coma until this is over'. Mind you, I'm being very selfish. There are many more MUCH worse things happening to people out there, and I should just shut up and let things work themselves out. I'm sure they will. However, I think the actual moral of the story is that I have no patience. Surprise, right? So, I'm sunk.

Onward and upward to the point where I need you all. All two of you who read this (thank you!). Some, or all, of you know that I have an over-committing problem (Step One: Admitting you have a problem). And, I've enlisted some of those closest to me to knock me over the head every time I try to over-commit (Step Two: Come to believe that a power greater than myself can restore me to sanity). Ok, maybe I'll never be sane but it's a good goal to strive toward. The rest of the steps don't really pertain. However, now that I have free-time, it makes me sort of sad.

Again, not dramatic. What I mean is that I sit at home and I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. I have this urgent feeling that instead of being on facebook, I should probably be out saving the world. As I do not have the ability to fly, and I really don't have that great of a vertical (obviously the two most important parts of being a super hero), I think I should focus on something else. Reading books is nice, but they cost money and I don't like to be sedintary all the time.

So, this is my idea.

Wait for it.

Blog! Whoa, surprise (again! what a wonderful post for you to read). But, not just blog about "Today I woke up and I was mad at the world, or my dog wouldn't listen." I'm thinking something with a little more structure that will be fun, and informational for all you's guys. If you know anything about me, it's that I really like to help enrich others lives. Perhaps that's a bit of overconfidence in my ability to have an affect on others, but if any of you try to burst that bubble - I'll slap you. Not really, but just let me live in that little world, eh?

What I need are ideas. Plenty of blogs have themes, like food blogs, or teacher blogs, or research blogs, or running blogs, or whatever. I don't know that I want to stick to one subject, but maybe if it were something like health (I kinda like that), in that it encompasses mental and physical health and you can cover a lot of different topics. It needs to be something that I can learn from and report about. Maybe it forces me to be thrifty, to make something, to research something, to try something new. I'm not sure.

This is my question to you: What would interest you? What would make you come back for more? Do you think this is a terrible idea?

Somehow, I think this will help me to feel like the free time that I use up to do this is well spent, and will expose me to all kinds of new things. And, believe it or not, I like new things. As long as I'm the one that decides to do it... ;)


  1. I would really enjoy reading a health blog by you. Getting a glimpse about what you are doing to keep yourself physically healthy and mentally stable. My only suggestion would be to write a little less filtered or censored. Half of what I just read felt as if you were checking every line to make sure the reader would not be offended or think badly of you posting it. I don't think that style of writing isn't intended for the blogging forum. I view blogging as an outlet for people to write openly and honestly without worrying about how their thoughts might be judged. Trust your readers to be able to handle the raw and unharnessed truth. Worry less about them viewing you as "dramatic" for they will only see you as being human. If you do so, you will create a blog that is enjoyable to read and easy to connect to. You are great writer, so I'm excited you have decided to embark on this journey of prose. Can't wait to read what you've got cooking for us next. Love you and miss you!

  2. I would really enjoy seeing your aspect on your world. You are so positive, all the time, and I know that not all your thoughts are positive....I want to know how you get from observation to positive spin. That would be soooooooooo engaging.
